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The Derwent Valley Community House is a vibrant and inclusive community space providing a range of in house activities  and community wide programs. Our community work includes providing formal and informal education and training, volunteer experience, a monthly community market, and an exciting range of in house activties for everyone.

Community Directory

Postal:  Po Box 389, New Norfolk 7140

Site 1:   56 Blair Street (cnr Charlotte St)

Site 2:   The Avenue, Willow Court

Phone:  6261 5230




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Community House

Community Garden

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Community Market



Our activities will be updated soon



Everyone Welcome@DVCH   


There is something for everyone at Derwent Valley Community House. Come along to the Community House for a Community Lunch on Wednesdays.  

While you are here get a copy of our newsletter that details all of our programs. 



Community Market 13th Birthday !!!

Our next Community Market is on Sunday 19th May 2019 ....make sure you come on down to get some fresh veggies, plants, food, and second hand bargains and join us as we celebrate 13 wonderful years !!!!

The Community Garden beside the Lachlan River is looking incredible and producing so much wonderful food that we provide mostly for free to the Community, come and pick up some organic produce from the Community House. Even better if you want to get involved in growing and learning how to grow fresh, nutritious foods come along on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 9:30am and join in....We have alot of fun and ofcourse there's alot of tasty food......We                  Community Gardeners!!

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