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The Derwent Valley Community House

The whole team at Derwent Valley Community House want to welcome you to join with us in building a happier and healthier community.
House Mission
To provide a vibrant, flexible, inclusive and safe environment, where people come to access the support and resources to meet their social, information, education and cultural needs and aspirations.

Our Values

We deeply respect the right of every individual to participate in their community, and we work to provide equal access to resources and services for all. We are thoughtful in the development of activities and programs so that we may provide as many opportunities for our community members to engage and become involved in our organisation at all levels; from participating in activities and programs, to becoming a volunteer, or joining the committee and holding a position which sits on the Board of Management. All members, staff, volunteers and participants of the Derwent Valley Community House commit to treating each other with dignity and respect, listen to each other when issues arise and work through challenges to the betterment of the community and each other.


We encourage:

  • A Person First Approach – the beliefs and value system of each person shall be respected to ensure the dignity and integrity of our actions. We will look for the good in people and encourage a non-judgemental, open minded outlook;

  • Social Justice Principles –  promoting a more socially inclusive society for all people, and in particular for those groups of people most likely to be marginalised or in vulnerable situations, such as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, children, people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, people with disabilities, older people, women and young people;

  • Access – all people shall enjoy equal access to our services. Where barriers and challenges exist we will work in a timely manner to overcome them within the limits of our resources;

  • Equality of Rights – we will support equal rights for everyone regardless of age, race, gender, marital status, parental status, income, disability, sexual orientation, pregnancy, family responsibilities, political activity, political belief or affiliation, religious activity, irrelevant criminal record, social background, industrial activity, irrelevant medical record, or association with any person who has, or is believed to have, any of these attributes;

  • Participation – we will work to provide as many opportunities as possible to support community participation in all services. programs, projects and events we offer.

Our Goals
The purpose of the Derwent Valley Community House is to;
  • work with and strenghten the community;
  • to create opportunities to improve the health and wellbeing of people in the Derwent Valley Municipality;
  • to improve training, education and employment options for people in the community;
  • to act as the oil between the community, the house and other organsiations;
  • to develop the capcity of the community to identify and respond to the community needs;
  • to provide programs, activities and support in warm and safe faciltiies;
  • to provide a welcoming, non-threatening and safe environment to meet the needs and aspirations of the community;
  • work with other organisations to develop effective partnerships and cooperative relationships;
  • to provide information and support;
  • to broker and link in with other services.



Community Vision
A cohesive, well informed community, that is able to confidently identify its needs and aspirations and develop responses accordingly. The Derwent Valley Community House will know this vision has been achieved when;
  • people are not socially isolated
  • people are healthy and well
  • people have the transport and access to services that they  need
  • the community work well together and address the needs of people in the area
  • the community is confident and self-reliant
  • The House is accessed by people from all areas of the Derwent Valley Municipality
  • The House offers dynamic, energetic, responsive, vibrant, flexible programs, activities and support
  • the house is able to grow and meet the changing  needs of the community
  • the house develops asnd builds the capacity of the community

What Do You Think??

We welcome your feedback about your experience of the Derwent Valley Community House. No matter what your experience is, we would like to hear about it. If it's positive that's wonderful and if you have had a less than positive experience we would like a chance to improve our services. Please let us know what you think. You don't even have to put your name on the feedback forms....



The Team of DVCH


Our History

The Derwent Valley Community House sits within the Willow Court complex of historical buildings which use to form the Royal Derwent Hospital. While paying our deepest respect to the past history of the Willow Court site, we are working to bring a sense of life and positivity through our work in the community.


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